Exploring Hands-Free Dog Leashes | Pet Palace

Exploring Hands-Free Dog Leashes

hands-free dog leashes

If you’re looking to enjoy the outdoors with your dog, a hands-free leash could give you the liberty of fully experiencing your activities and getting in some exercise while keeping your furry friend nearby.

A hands-free dog leash is a particular leash designed to attach to the body of the owner or walker. It typically consists of an adjustable strap or belt to be worn across the waist or chest with a leash that attaches to the dog’s collar. Most hands-free leashes have a clip or attachment piece that ensures a secure hold from the owner to the dog.

Benefits of Using Hands-Free Dog Leashes

Freedom of Movement

Obviously, a major advantage to hands-free leashes is that you have the liberty to move how you’d like while also being in control of your dog. With the leash attached to your waist, your pup can roam while you are doing activities too.

Common activities that are easier with a hands-free leash include jogging, hiking, carrying groceries, walking with friends, talking on the phone and more.

Increased Control and Improved Safety

Since hands-free leashes are typically worn around the waist or chest, the dog’s pulling force is distributed evenly and the owner can better maintain stability with their center of gravity. This helps them become less likely to be pulled off balance from a strong dog.

Most hands-free leashes have a two-point attachment system where the leash is attached to both the owner’s waist or chest and the dog’s collar. The double attachment increases control and lessens the risk of becoming unattached or the dog slipping out of the leash. This is especially helpful for our energetic dogs.

You also can adjust the length of the leash, allowing you to control the dog’s proximity. For example, if in a crowded setting, you can shorten the leash and have better control of your dog and where they move.

Improved Dog Training

Hands-free leashes also can enhance training for your dog. The increased communication necessary between the trainer and dog will train your dog to listen to your voice, body language and any other hand signals. The hands-free approach allows the owner to communicate more easily which will help the dog respond quicker and reinforce desired behavior, enabling better obedience overall.

Tips for Using Hands-Free Leashes

A few things to keep in mind when using a hands-free dog leash include:

  • Make sure the leash properly fits the walker – The leash should be snug but not so tight that the dog’s movement is painful to the owner
  • Gradually transition your dog into the hands-free leash – Start with shorter walks or activities that you have control over so both you and your dog will get used to the leash
  • Monitor your dog’s behavior – Even with a hands-free leash, make sure to be responsive to your dog’s needs including bathroom breaks, exploration, and anxiety and discomfort
  • Ensure attachments are secure – Double check your attachments to make sure that they are reliable prior to going out for a walk, run, hike, or anything else

Have Any Questions? Reach Out to Pet Palace Today!

Learn more about hands-free dog leashes and other pet activities by contacting us today! We look forward to hearing from you.

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: Dogs, Tips for Your Pets
