How to Properly Clean a Dog’s Ears | Pet Palace

How to Properly Clean a Dog’s Ears

Our Guide for Properly Cleaning a Dog’s Ears

Have you ever wondered why your dog’s ears need to be cleaned and how you can go about it? Wonder no longer! We’ll tell you why you’ve got to keep your dog’s ears clean and give you an easy guide for DIY ear cleaning.

How to Properly Clean a Dog’s Ears

Why Should I Clean My Dog’s Ears?

Dog ears are deep and twisty. They’re also moist. Unfortunately, these conditions make them prone to ear infections. Bacteria can grow in your dog’s ears and debris like grass and seeds can also become lodged in there. For these reasons, you definitely want to clean your dog’s ears regularly.

This is especially the case if your dog has long, floppy ears. Because the “floppiness” prevents good air circulation, moisture can’t evaporate, increasing the likelihood of infection.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

  • Preventing ear infections – By cleaning your pup’s ears regularly, you can remove dirt, wax, and debris that build up in the ear canal. Keeping the ear canal clean can reduce the risk of bacterial and yeast infections.
  • Reducing wax buildup – Wax buildup may be uncomfortable for your dog since it causes blockages. Cleaning it out helps to maintain a healthy balance and remove the risk of issues like ear mites.
  • Improving hearing – If you practice regular cleaning it can prevent any blockages that may be inhibiting your dog’s hearing. With clean ear canals, your dog will be able to hear properly while staying alert to their surroundings.
  • Reducing odor – Dirty ears are typically full of wax and bacteria, which can emit a foul odor. Cleaning these out can reduce odor, while keeping your dog comfortable and pain-free.
  • Maintaining overall ear health – Scheduling cleaning on a regular basis can support the overall health of your dog’s ears, which prevents problems later on.

Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

  • Don’t apply products with Q-tips, because they can push debris further into the ear canal. Instead, use cotton balls or gauze to wipe the outer ear and ear canal entrance.
  • Don’t use human ear cleaning products, since they can include ingredients that can cause irritation and dryness.
  • Don’t insert cleaning tools deep into the ear canal because they can damage the sensitive structures of the ear and potentially cause infection.
  • Don’t clean too frequently because it can disrupt the natural balance of the microorganisms in your dog’s ear.
  • Don’t neglect to use a gentle approach, since your dog may move unexpectedly during the cleaning process, resulting in injury.

FAQs About Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

How Often Should I Clean My Dog’s Ears?

All dogs should have their ears cleaned at least once a month. However, some dogs require weekly or biweekly cleaning. This depends on your dog’s breed and activity level. For instance, dogs that like to play in the mud or dogs who enjoy swimming will require more frequent cleanings.

Just make sure not to overdo it. Excessive cleaning can irritate your dog’s ears.

How Can I Clean My Dog’s Ears?

To clean your dog’s ears, you’ll first want to make sure you have your supplies ready: a vet-approved ear cleaner, cotton balls, and a towel. Then, squirt a small amount of ear cleaner into your dog’s ear. Massage the outside base of your dog’s ear so the cleaner can really be absorbed.

Your dog will probably want to shake their head after this – that’s fine. We suggest using the towel to keep yourself from getting splashed in the face while they do it. Yuk!

Once your dog’s done shaking their head, use a cotton ball to gently swab their ear. You’ll want to continue to swipe until the cotton ball comes back clean. You may need more than one cotton ball for this step.

That’s it! Because pet ear cleaner contains a drying agent, your dog’s ear will dry on its own.

Why is my dog shaking their head excessively after ear cleaning?

Head shaking is normal because it helps dislodge debris. If this persists, excessive head shaking after ear cleaning is a sign of residual liquid in the ear. To fix this, wipe the outer ear gently. For additional help, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

What are some signs that indicate ear infection?

As a pet owner, you should look out for the following signs that might indicate an ear infection:

  • Redness or swelling inside of the ear
  • Foul odor
  • Excessive scratching or head shaking
  • Discharge or debris inside of the ear
  • Pain or sensitivity around the ear

If you suspect that your dog has an ear infection, it is important to consult your veterinarian ASAP. They will diagnose the issue and provide a routine for treatment, which includes prescription medication and specific instructions for proper cleaning.

What can I do if my dog is resistant to ear cleaning?

You’re not alone if your dog doesn’t love the process of getting their ears cleaned. Here are a couple of our favorite tips that make the process a little easier.

  • Make it positive – Use treats and positive reinforcement to create a good environment and experience.
  • Don’t work too fast – While it might seem better to get the ear cleaning over with quickly, this might overwhelm your pup and create a negative association with the experience. Therefore, it is best to start slowly and gradually introduce the process.

If these tips still aren’t yielding the results you are looking for, outsourcing the process is a great idea.

Does Pet Palace Resort Offer Dog Ear Cleaning?

Yes, we do! We offer full dog grooming which includes:

  • A warm bath and a conditioning soak, for the ultimate in comfort
  • Fluff drying done by hand
  • Coat brushing, so the coat looks shiny and well-kept
  • Toenail trimming, so nails are kept free from infection and your dog can walk easier
  • Ear cleaning, to prevent infection and remove buildup

If you want to go all-out, you can even tack on one of our luxury spa services like:

  • Toenail polish
  •  Breath freshener
  •  Teeth brushing
  • The furminator (for dogs that shed a lot)
  • Massage

How Can I Schedule a Grooming Appointment at Pet Palace Resort?

You can book a grooming service while your dog is boarding with us or contact your local Pet Palace by phone. We have numerous locations in Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment!

If your dog needs their ears cleaned, Pet Palace is happy to do the job. Schedule your appointment today!

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: Dogs
