5 Videos of Dogs In Snow For Your Winter Blues | Pet Palace

Sick of the Winter? Here are 5 Dog Videos to Cheer You Up!

dog in snow

Are you over the cold winter weather? So are we, but unfortunately, we still have a little over a month left until we can officially say “Its Spring!” In order to lift your spirits and shake those winter blues, we thought we would compile another favorite list for you! This time, however, we are sharing our favorite videos of dogs playing in the snow.

There is something that is so amusing about watching our furry friends play in the snow without a care in the world. If you are a dog owner, we encourage you to get out and record a fun video like these of your dog playing in the snow too! Trust us, you will be happy you did!

Bernese Mountain Dog


For a small puppy like Josie, a Bernese Mountain dog, snow is a new thing. This little girl seems to want to chase after her owner and trek through the several inches of snow just to keep up with him. Watch how adorable she looks as she pounces her way through the snow.

Mom & Pups

Check out these dogs playing in the snow. Cold weather and snow will not stop this mommy from playing with her puppies. Talk about a cuteness overload! These pups could not be more adorable. Mommy is showing them that playtime can happen anywhere, even in the snow!

Just A Dog and a Maze

You know there is a lot of snow when you can actually create a maze for your dog in the backyard! This little dog named Gene is promised that if he can find his human friend, he will earn himself a treat! The best part is, this little pup believes that in order to get what you want, sometimes you have to take chances, or in this case, shortcuts!

Bailey’s Snow Day

Bailey is just a dog who loves the snow, and we do mean loves the snow. Just watching this little girl frolic through the snow could make us cold and tired, but apparently she loves it. We just cannot get over the fact that she gets completely buried underneath the fluffy snow with every jump that she makes. Her energy and excitement is what makes this one of our favorite funny dog videos!

Newfoundland Dog

There are several reasons why this made our favorites list of dogs playing in the snow. For one, this Newfoundland dog is experiencing snow for the first time ever, and it is incredibly adorable! Two, we love the video diary of his first day in the snow and all of the incredible sights along the way. We can only imagine how much fun him and his owner had this day. You cannot help but smile when watching this video.

While we are all excited for the warm spring days to return, let’s not forget all the memories that can be made during the snowy, winter months too! We hope you enjoyed these funny dog videos as much as we did!

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: All Posts, Dogs
