7 Tips for Clipping Your Dog’s Nails | Pet Palace Resort

7 Tips for Clipping Your Dog’s Nails

dog nail clipping

When it comes to our pets, we want to do everything in our power to give them a long, happy, and healthy life. Some of the easier aspects to tackle include morning walks, daily snuggles, and spoiling them with treats, toys, and attention. The more challenging wellness routines to establish between you and your dog may include things like bathing, toothbrushing, and clipping your dog’s nails.

If you’re someone who struggles with your dog’s nail clippings or have been too nervous to give it a go, you’re in the right place! We at Pet Palace put together seven tips to help you and your furry friend feel more comfortable throughout the entire process. Let’s take a look!

How to Approach Dog Nail Clipping

1. How Often Should I Trim My Dog’s Nails?

This always depends on how fast your dog’s nails grow and how often they are worn down (this is especially true for dogs taking lots of walks outside on surfaces like sidewalks). Depending on the size, breed, and activity level of your dog, they could require nail trimmings as frequently as once a month or as infrequently as 4-6 times per year.

Typically, dogs who spend more time outdoors and on rough pavement will necessitate monthly nail trimmings, whereas less active lap dogs may require fewer sessions. It’s important to know how often your dog’s nail trimming should occur in order to keep them comfortable and prevent injury. This can often be achieved by doing basic breed research or consulting with your veterinarian.

2. Start Small and Work Your Way Up

Chances are, if you are new to clipping your dog’s nails, there is going to be some trial and error. To prevent trimming your dog’s nails too short, it is best to clip a small amount of nail off at a time.

3. Praise, Patience, and… Treats!

There is no better feeling than working on a new command with your pup, and after some serious patience and hard work they get it right! Dog nail trimming should be treated the same way as any new activity you try with your dog.

Allow them to acclimate to the tools you’ll be using, the position they’re going to be in, and all the sensory changes they’ll be experiencing. The best practice is to show praise and provide comfort regularly through the process of clipping your dog’s nails. Using positive reinforcement (and, of course, treats) with your pup is a great way to establish and maintain trust.

4. Use a Distraction

Something that can be helpful if your dog is generally resistant or hyperactive is using a distraction to divert their attention. The options are wide open here! A few things we recommend are covering a lick-mat with their favorite treat or recruiting a friend or family member to be a calming presence while you focus on the task at hand – successfully clipping your dog’s nails.

5. Invest in Quality Tools

If you plan to incorporate trimming your dog’s nails into your regular routine, it’s best to invest in a quality pair of trimmers that make sense for your dog’s size, whether large or small.

For smaller dogs, there are also grooming slings on the market – used by many professional dog groomers – that can be set up in your home to keep your dog stationary while you trim away.

6. Pet-Friendly Calming Aids

If your dog tends to get anxious, there are supplements available geared toward relieving stress in pets. Using a pet-friendly calming aid can help your dog relax so that you can clip their nails without as much resistance or movement. You should always consult with your veterinarian, though, to see which calming aids could best benefit your anxious pup!

7. Leave It to the Professionals

Trying new activities with your dog is an amazing way to build your relationship and establish trust; however, we understand that things like trimming your dog nails might not be everyone’s cup of tea, which is why there are professionals who will do the job for you!

At Pet Palace, we offer a variety of grooming services including dog nail clipping. Let our expert groomers take care of everything for you and your pup!

Contact Pet Palace for Help Clipping Your Dog’s Nails and More!

And there you have it! Seven tips for clipping your dog’s nails. We hope you’ll use this newfound knowledge to spend some quality time with your pup. And if all else should fail, the Pet Palace team is ready to help you schedule a grooming appointment today!

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: Do It Yourself, Dogs, Pet Grooming, Tips for Your Pets
