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Category: Tips for Your Pets

6 Tips To Help You Choose The Right Vet

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on March 24, 2015

You may not have given birth to him, but he is still your baby. Yes, we are talking about your pet! Whether you own a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, or hamster, they are a part of your life and your family, and you want to make sure that they are taken care of as such…. Read More

Categories: All Posts, Tips for Your Pets

Can My Dog Catch a Cold? How Can I Prevent It?

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on January 21, 2015

Now that January has arrived, colds are an increasing concern for people. You’ve probably noticed this at your workplace while you’ve watched in horror as your coworkers sneezed, sniffled, and coughed in close proximity to the printer. Don’t be alarmed by imagining all of this germ transfer (yuck), but instead use this as motivation to… Read More

Categories: Pet Safety, Tips for Your Pets

How to Make Sure Your Pets are Cared for This Christmas

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on December 22, 2014

Traveling over the holidays can be a lot of fun, but pet parents often worry about their animals when they’re on the road. Having seen our share of anxious parents, we have the 411 on how you can breathe easier, knowing that your dog or cat is comfortable and well-cared for while you’re away: Prepare… Read More

Categories: All Posts, Cats, Dogs, Holidays, Tips for Your Pets

5 Cool Summer Treats For Your Cat

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on June 12, 2014

Summer days mean beaches, barbecues, and lots of outdoor fun. But unfortunately, it also means that there’ll be some days that are so hot that you find yourself longing for cooler weather. Like you, your cat also enjoys feeling comfortable when the weather becomes oppressive. So, to keep your cat cool, we’ve got some ideas… Read More

Categories: Cats, Pet Safety, Tips for Your Pets

3 Columbus Dog Parks for Your Pup this Spring

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on April 14, 2014

Hooray—spring is here! We’re betting that not only are you relieved to be done scraping snow off your windshield, but that your dog is also happy to see the end of winter. No doubt, your pup has been chomping at the bit to spend more time outside. Fortunately, Pet Palace has the 411 on local-area… Read More

Categories: Dogs, Tips for Your Pets

6 Fun Tips for Exercising and Keeping Your Pet Active During the Winter

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on January 20, 2014

With snow on the ground and frigid temperatures, it can seem like a challenge to keep your pet active in the wintertime. Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as you might think. Check out some of our favorite ideas for preventing your pet from putting on the pounds this season. Play Fetch While your feline might… Read More

Categories: Cats, Dogs, Tips for Your Pets

How to Pick and Keep a Good Dog Walker

Posted by: Lora Shaw, on June 26, 2013

A dog walker is just what your dog needs to break up their day, giving them a much needed potty break and a respite from being home alone all day. Some dogs can go up to 12 hours without a potty break, but having a dog walker can provide more that just a quick trip… Read More

Categories: All Posts, Dogs, Tips for Your Pets
