6 Landscaping Ideas for a Dog Friendly Backyard by Pet Palace

6 Landscaping Ideas for a Dog Friendly Backyard

dog in the yard

As you start preparing for summer landscaping, now’s the time to consider incorporating some features into your backyard that your dog will go woof over. Fortunately, it’s easier than you think to construct a dog friendly backyard. Check out our tips below:

Use Toxin-free Plants

Unfortunately, some very common flowers—geraniums, tulips, lilies, hydrangeas, and carnations—are toxic to dogs. For safety, select plants that are non-toxic and safe for pets. A complete list can be found on the ASPCA’s website.

Create Paths

If your dog has already managed to create his or her own pathway through your backyard, incorporate it into the landscaping. Cover the path with small cedar chips, which will protect the pads of their feet while making the path more attractive. Or create a 3-foot wide path along one of the fences to create a dog run—you can even hide it with a screen if you want. Most dogs love having their own designated area to run in.

Offer Shade

Make sure to have a shady spot in the backyard for your dog to hang out in. Plant a tree or use a shade cloth so your pet doesn’t have to tough it out in direct sunlight.

Build a Bone yard

A common complaint of dog owners is digging. Fortunately, Pet Palace has a fun way to counteract this problem. Designate an area as a dog friendly backyard digging pit, fill it with sand and soft mulch and keep it stocked with treats and bones—your dog will be drawn by the smell. Don’t forget to keep a rake nearby for easy restocking.

Provide Water

A great feature for a dog friendly backyard is a small pond, spring, or fountain. Dogs love having the opportunity to cool off while splashing around.

Designate a “Go” Spot

Create a spot in the backyard where you would like your dog to relieve themselves. If you have a male dog, you can add a marking post so your dog can mark his territory. Train your dog to use this spot.

While many people believe that an attractive backyard and a dog are impossible, we’re happy to report that isn’t the case at all. You just need to keep your dog in mind when designing your landscaping. Follow Pet Palace’s tips and not only will your backyard look great, but Fido will be doggone delighted to chill out in the yard this summer.

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: Do It Yourself, Dogs
